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Year Two Class - Foxes

Soil Investigation - This afternoon, KS1 had lots of fun learning about soil. We discovered that soil can come in different colours and textures. We went on a soil hunt around the school and collected various samples. Using our senses and magnifying glasses, we took a closer look at the soils. We combined all of our soil samples into one pot and added water. After giving it a vigorous mix, we're eagerly awaiting the results overnight! We're hoping to see the different layers of soil.

Let's Get Messy - Sparkly starter for Squirrels and Foxes having fun getting messy for the morning

Making Peach Treats

Marvellous Marwell - A great day out for our KS1 children exploring the zoo as part of their topic.

Science - Learning about how wheels work and making their own peg cars

The Great Fire of London 1666 - Squirrels have been creating a mini London by making a small 17th century house as part of their Home Learning

Forest Fun - Squirrels spent the afternoon having fun in our Forest School and eating pop corn cooked on the open fire.

Religious Education - Creating our own worlds in KS1

Becoming colour detectives - Squirrels have been learning about what other colours they can make using the 3 primary colours of yellow, blue and red.

Sparkly Starter - Fun at the beach in Bournemouth!!

Transfer Day - Time to explore our new outdoor area with Miss Bowler.

Coronation Games - Hedgehogs joined our other Heath Academy Trust Schools at Sixpenny Handley for a fun packed Coronation Games

Hedgehogs Trip to Moors Valley

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Creating Easter tombs using our bricks and lego.

Hedgehogs have had fun building bridges from paper for the Billy Goats Gruff and painting pigs and making collages of the three little pigs houses.

Let's Explore - Hedgehogs spent a lovely afternoon with Zoe Martin, weeding and then planting spring bulbs into our plant pots

We worked in teams to become Wise Builders. We had to try and try again as our towers fell down like the foolish builder but we became wise builders in the end.

Making bird feeders and hanging them up on our bird feeder on the school field

Early Years Nativity

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Winning the lunchtime table award - Hedgehogs decorated cakes as their prize

Enjoying hot chocolate on our sparkly starter day.

Forest Time!!

Exploring our classroom

Fun with TeamTheme

Transfer Day - The beginning of our new journey spending time with Miss Cole exploring our new outdoor area.

