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Year Two Class - Foxes

Soil Investigation -This afternoon, KS1 had lots of fun learning about soil. We discovered that soil can come in different colours and textures. We went on a soil hunt around the school and collected various samples. Using our senses and magnifying glasses, we took a closer look at the soils. We combined all of our soil samples into one pot and added water. After giving it a vigorous mix, we're eagerly awaiting the results overnight! We're hoping to see the different layers of soil.

Let's Get Messy - Sparkly starter for Squirrels and Foxes having fun getting messy for the morning

Marvellous Marwell - A great day out for our KS1 children exploring the zoo as part of their topic.

Science - Learning about how wheels work and making their own peg cars

The Great Fire of London 1666 - Foxes have been creating a mini London by making a small 17th century house as part of their Home Learning

Religious Education - Creating our own worlds in KS1

Foxes were using pastels to draw still life pictures based on the fruit bowl painting by Pail Cezanne.

Forest Fun - Foxes spent the afternoon having fun in our Forest School and eating pop corn cooked on the open fire.

Becoming colour detectives - Foxes have been learning about what other colours they can make using the 3 primary colours of yellow, blue and red.

Sparkly Starter - Fun at the beach in Bournemouth!!

Transfer Day - Creating our Fox faces with Miss Cole.

Sparkly Starter - Squirrels and Foxes had a great day at the Liberty's Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre as the start to their In the dead of the night topic

Fabulous morning at St. Ives Multi Sports Event - Well done Squirrels

Squirrels created their own enchanted gardens

Squirrels class planted their seeds and look how they have grown.

Enchanted Woodland Topic - Squirrels have been learning how to weed the courtyard raised beds ready for planting.

Sparkly Starter- Enchanted Woodland Walk - Squirrels started their topic with a woodland walk around the school grounds.

Fabulous Finish - Joining the community at The Forest Edge Cafe in Alderholt, enjoying juice and biscuits.

We have been learning about the Passover Meal in our Religious Education Lessons - We tasted some of the traditional foods served at the Passover meal. Some we liked others we were not so keen on.

Our finished playgrounds!!

Forest Fun - Squirrels have been having fun using saws, making mud pies, creating wish sticks, making faces using items from our natural environment and enjoying flatbreads on the open fire.

Mr King visited the Squirrels and Foxes to talk about Alderholt and to show children the historical changes in the village through a selection of old and new photographs.

Village Detectives - Sparkly Starter (2).mp4

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Sparkly Starter - Seasonal Walk in our school grounds

Making our own pop art words using natural materials on the field.

Sparkly Starter - I'm a Superhero dress up day

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Forest Fun this morning tying knots, whittling pegs and making their own shelters.

Moors Valley 2022

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Forest Fun this morning - Making plant pots for our forget-me-not seeds, Swinging on our new swing and designing some signs for our forest area.

Happy Hedgehogs - Scaling the heights of the climbing wall today

Hedgehogs continued their exploring this week by tasting honey.

LET'S EXPLORE SPARKLY STARTER - The Hedgehog Class started their new topic by collecting ants from the field and adding them to their own ant farm.

Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee wearing our homemade hats and dressing up in red, white and blue.

Cheerful cheerleading this morning in Hedgehogs - We welcomed Marcus to school today to teach us a cheerleading routine.

Environmental art with other classes in school on a sunny afternoon. Followed by story telling games.

Sharing our Books on World Book Day

Mrs Angela's Tractor came to visit us today as part of our sparkly starter.

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M&M Theatrical Productions - Charles Dickens adaptation of Scrooge - Enjoyed by all this afternoon

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake eating, Pancake races and a worship with Reverend Simon

Our topic this half term has been SPLASH and as part of our topic we have been learning about Australia, making their flags, designing our own boomerangs, creating aboriginal animal pictures and finally making anzac biscuits.

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Forest School Fun - Learning to use bow saws and having forest fun.

We've had slippery fun using water beads, numicon, pans, cups and spoons to find out how many beads fill each tub? Which one holds more? How many beads fit in the numicon?

We lit our fire this afternoon to keep us warm, whilst being thankful we made dreamy dream catchers and forest treasure mobiles to hang on our tree of gratitude.

Dormice and Hedgehogs enjoying getting messy making bird feeders and hanging them on our bird feed station

Carol Singing in the Playground

Our Pond Competition Winners!!

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Hedgehogs and Dormice had a chilly walk to the Co-op this morning. They entertained the shoppers by singing carols outside and enjoyed a well earned mince pie.

We have been linking our learning of circles with our art and creating Kandinksy Circle Pictures

We spent sometime using our drawing skills to draw pictures of nocturnal animals.

John the Fireman from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service joined us to teach us how to keep safe if there was a fire.

Children in Need - We had a lot of spotty children today!!

Toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate during our forest sessions

PE outside on the mats whatever next?

Numicon fun in Hedgehogs

Whole School Fun on the Field - Fabulous end to a busy half term

Sorting Autumn Leaves - Hedgehog Class spent the afternoon collecting Autumn leaves and sorting them into the different Autumn Colours

Leaf Art - Hedgehogs have been using leaves to create lots of lovely pictures

We've been learning our sounds and exploring maths

Happy Hedgehogs - Exploring our new classroom and outdoor areas

