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St James' CE First School and Nursery

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Year One Class - Squirrels

Forest School Fun on a Tuesday afternoon with Clare

Our fabulous finish - dressing up as our favourite story character

Crispy Cake Making - Sticky but fun

Using balance scales learn which objects are heavier than others

Fantastic afternoon with Lucy from the Reading Fairy

Lots of sorting by colour in Hedgehogs

Weeding - Hedgehogs cleared out the dead plants in our playground ready for bulb planting next week.

Enjoying our learning spaces!!

Extra fun in the forest - After their hard work creating their own faces the Hedgehogs had a lovely time exploring our school forest.

Forest School Time - Making faces using our environmental resources around us.

Exploring our classroom

Lunchtime with our friends

Enjoying water play, dressing up and the sandpit in our outdoor area.

Sparkly Starter - Hedgehogs brought their filled buckets into school to show their friends.

Transfer Day - The beginning of our new journey spending time exploring our classroom with our new class teacher Mrs Cousins.

