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St James' CE First School and Nursery

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Year Four Class - Badgers

SPRINGHEAD DAY 3 - Making natural boats, river dipping and a final photo of a fantastic few days away.

SPRINGHEAD DAY 2- Hearty Breakfast followed by a long walk with den building, making homes for our worry dolls and finishing the day with games and marshmallows around the campfire.

SPRINGHEAD DAY 1 - Drinking, getting wet, photo treasure hunt, nature challenges, walk and hot chocolate

Forest School Fun

Our new sports champions learning some new skills ready for supporting our younger children with playground games.

Our Year 4 Sports Champions

Forest School - Den building and making fire

Sparkly Starter - Looking at the functions of the digestive system and how food goes through our bodies.

Transfer Day - Parachute fun on the field with Mr Spinks with our new class mates.

Year 3 spent a sunny morning at Oakhurst First School taking part in a striking and fielding event.

Sparkly Starter - Ancient Technology Centre - Fabulous day at the ATC learning how to basket weave, cut wood using bow saws, natural dyeing and grinding our own wheat to make bread.

Walk like an Egyptian.mp4

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We have been learning about the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in Religious Education and celebrated their freedom by sitting to eat traditional foods at a Passover Meal.

Creating Light Art using glow sticks.

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Owls and Badgers transported themselves to Greece to make Greek Salad.

Making Potions in Forest School

Our first forest school session as Owls - Lots of fun picking blackberries and making jam aswell as whittling and enjoying the other forest activities.

Foxes Class receiving their Multi Skills Certificates at our Celebration Worship today.

Fabulous Foxes - Scaling the heights of the climbing wall today

No 10 Downing Street

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KS1 had an amazing time joining other local schools at a Multi Skills Tournament at Burgate School.

Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee wearing our homemade hats and dressing up in red, white and blue.

Foxes and Squirrels spent time on the field collecting twigs of varying length, ordering them from shortest to longest and then using rulers measuring them to the nearest cm.

KS1 still managed to have a great time completing multi-skills in the hall

Environmental art with other classes in school on a sunny afternoon. Followed by story telling games.

Forest school time again - KS1 enjoyed a sunny afternoon making bee bombs using air-dried clay and flower seeds and creating some pretty designs using Hapa-Zome printing.

Being Kings and Queens for the day

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M&M Theatrical Productions - Charles Dickens adaptation of Scrooge - Enjoyed by all this afternoon

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake eating, Pancake races and a worship with Reverend Simon

Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

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As part of their science investigations, KS1 have been making different types of water squirters and testing which design would be the best to put out the Great Fire of London. They competed their experiments in the playground by measuring how far the water would squirt from each different design.

Carol Singing in the Playground

Our Pond Competition Winners!!

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Playing rollerball during Ackie's PE session.

Children in Need - We had a lot of spotty children today!!

Keeping the birds and squirrels of our forest healthy - We made some healthy snacks for the bird and squirrels.

Healthy Me - Keystage 1 spent a fun sparkly day dressing up as professionals who help us to keep healthy.

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Whole School Fun on the Field - Fabulous end to a busy half term

Key Stage 1 have been using their skills of colour mixing, from Primary to Secondary colours and creating repeating patterns with their Beach Huts.

"We were using apparatus to investigate how many ways we could divide various numbers and the recording division sentence to match. We were amazed at how we could make connections with previous learning on Multiplication".

Our Sparkly Starter- Enjoying delicious ice lollies

Welcome to our new Foxes having fun in the Forest creating, building and exploring fun forest activities.

Groovy Disco Moves

Pirate Computer Research

St James' Move It Week - June 2021

Streetdance Superstars

Ahoy There

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Key Stage 1 - PE

Jack in the Beanstalk -Talk for Writing


Superhero Slideshow ppt.mp4

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